Apostle Herb:
It has been both our pleasure and privilege of having you spent some precious time with us and the brethren in our area. I am sorry that I have not been able to be in your appointed meetings in as much as I want to as I had previous commitments. Nevertheless, I relished every bit of those times I was able to hear what the Lord have you to share from the depths of your heart and your vast experience. Indeed, your coming is in God's timing and in a very crucial season. God bless you for your obedience and passion for the Kingdom of God. Hallelujah!

Your vision for S.A.L. is in line with two important prayer items that Jesus prayed before His crucifixion in John 17: one, that we would not be taken out of this world but be protected from the evil one (Jn 17:15); two, that we would be one just as the Father and the Son are one (Jn 17:21-23). And S.A.L. has both these in mind: protection and unity. Praise the Lord! It is in my heart to pursue along these lines. It is God's will and it is God's agenda.

In the natural there are two kinds of nuclear chain reactions: the one is called nuclear fission, such as we have in the atomic bomb, where the atoms are divided; and with every dividing of the atom there is a release of energy. But in the second kind, nuclear fusion, there is an even greater release of energy, as one particle is fused with another, and another, and still another, releasing the kind of energy that even now is taking place in the sun. It is said that the core of the sun is a mighty nuclear reactor (we cannot even begin to imagine the fusion taking place in the SON! The unity [fusion] of the Father and the Son, Jesus lived and demonstrated here on earth, yet He declares that we would even do greater works. Wow!). We have seen the divisions in the body of Christ, though it may seem to be in the negative, God has turned it around for good. Like nuclear fission, our being divided and scattered has planted and produced more churches and ministers in many many areas around the world. Now that we are all scattered and in place, it is time for spiritual fusion (synergy is also a good word). Jesus' prayer is being answered and God has been raising up men like you who would be God's catalysts (Holy Ghost nuclear reactors) for the unity (fusion) of the body of Christ. Fusion with the Head, the Father and Jesus Christ, and with each other, the body. I have seen what fission can do, I pray we will all be alive to see what fusion can do! Glory to God!

More power to your vision, Bro. Herb!

Attached herewith is my photo.

God richly bless you!

The Jeshua Generation Ministries, Inc.
18 Horseshoe Drive, Monark Subd.
Pamplona I, Las PiƱas City 1740
Mobile: 0917-8222136