Bishop Herb Hutchinson, Apostle
The Apostle and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

The name “apostle” is a New Testament word the Apostle Paul described as a person who serves in the office that Jesus established at His ascension. “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

Apostles are gifted Christian leaders who are taught, commissioned, and sent by God with the authority to establish the foundational government of a church or churches within an assigned sphere. Their assignments include setting order for growth and maturity over apostolic networks and marketplace ministries as the Spirit gives direction.

He or she will always be recognized for his or her servanthood to a Spiritual Father with a strong emphasis on Sonship. Senior Apostles always endorse new apostles with evidence based on their dreams, vision, purpose and mission which are clearly seen by their accomplishments.

The value system of an Apostle is governed by humility, purity, integrity and accountability that are necessary character qualities for growth and unity in the Kingdom of God. The Apostle is a Wise Master Builder who carries a quality of credibility and responsibility.

We value the purity and integrity of the Apostolic Office with the capacity to desire a high standard of discipline. Apostle Paul (who did not walk with Jesus) became the new order of Apostle after Pentecost. His demonstration of the law of faith, the spirit of faith, and the strategy of faith gave the Apostles the pattern of Kingdom colonization and the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.

We position ourselves in the evangelical theological stream of Protestant Christianity. Both adhere to the Apostles’ Creed and the core doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, namely the ultimate and essential authority of the Scriptures for Christian faith and practice, justification by faith, and the priesthood of all believers. We believe that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that Jesus was born of a virgin, that He was physically raised from the dead and that an individual’s personal relationship to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior determines that individual’s eternal destiny in heaven or hell. The fulfillment of Jesus great commission to make disciples of all nations is central to our focus.

It was Jesus alone who chose the name “apostolos” for those whom He called, authorized, and sent out. Among the earliest uses of the term were the Greek historians who used it to describe an admiral over a fleet of ships sent out by his king to discover, explore, conquer, and establish his government in new territories. Jesus’ choice of the word reflects this meaning and stresses its emphasis on “one sent from another” or a fully authorized representative, ambassador of the sender.

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