Arriving home on Tuesday, October 19th from a 12-day mission trip to Hawaii and The Philippines, I hit the ground, running! Wednesday, October 20th, Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Atlantic City, New Jersey started their three-day 81st Anniversary Revival that has birthed an incredible move of the Spirit. Thanks to Bishop Herb James and Pastor, Rev. Rosetta Brown for inviting me to be their keynote speaker.
The Church has entered a new season and in this prophetic time period, the God of the Break-Through will explode before us through the next decade. We need to push into this anointing and with great expectancy, watch the hand of God part the sea and allow us to move into our destiny.
The trip to The Philippines with Apostle Bob and Jeanne Strobel was more than I could ever expect! I ministered at many churches and pastoral gatherings, establishing the Apostolic Message from a Biblical point of view. Hebrews 3 confirms that Jesus, who was the Son of God, was also our Apostle and our High Priest--the Priest who was the sacrifice and the one who was giving the sacrifice. This is a Biblical model that we must follow as we follow Christ.
SAL Ministries, Int’l was the reason to gather with these great leaders in Las Pinas. S.A.L. is the Apostolic Alliance that God gave to me as a Spiritual Architectural Landscape-design strategy to create a sphere of influence in order to be sent and send others to the nations. If apostolic ministries—which are designed to equip the saints for the work of service—is not sending, then we are simply developing home-bred fellowships that have no cause or effect.
In the upcoming months, I will be introducing all S.A.L. Ministries to one another through my Blog Spot. Each one will be writing documents in order that we may know one another in a greater way. It is important for me to tell you…if you are a S.A.L. member at this time and are not able to keep your commitment to this organization, I would be grateful to know, in order that we can move ahead with commitment and without conflict. 2011 will prove to be the start of the greatest days of our lives!
With many thanks to my dear friend, Bob Strobel and his wife, Jeanne, for 28 years that they have paved a way as missionaries in the Philippines. Apostle Bob has already had many meetings with our Philippino constituency and on my return in March of 2011, we will continue to establish SAL Ministries, International as an Apostolic Alliance, sending the Church to the nations.
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